Like many freelancers, I've done a little of everything: a long stint of C++, then later gigs with website development, iOS programming, PHP MVC systems, and more.
Lately I'm doing lots of mobile development with JavaScript, along with frameworks like angular, jasmine, meteor, and d3. I love taking everyone's favorite chewing-gum-and-baling wire language and using it to build apps that are elegant, testable, extensible, and maintainable.
I also have a good eye for analysis and detail — more than once, I've saved an unwieldy project by defining vague tasks and breaking them down to the point that developers could finally get some traction.
I'm now working full-time for Surge, LLC.
That's Sublime Text, my editor of choice, in the blurry background there.
​Just the facts: my work history, my training and qualifications, and projects I've worked on. Available as PDF or ODT.
Apps you can run in your browser that show off my knowledge of JavaScript, meteor.js, angular.js, d3, jasmine, and more!
Website design by Peter Rogers. This site runs on Wix. Contact me if anything looks wonky. All photos used with permission.